
 Healing Sessions


These sessions incorporate many healing elements from many cultures, and traditions using sacred energy and “tools” to assist in creating an extremely nourishing and transformative process. They are guided by clear intention and can reset the body's energy fields and create more openness and lightness of Being. Often deeply held negative patterns, tension, and stress are released allowing for a more harmonious, balanced, and radiant feeling of rejuvenation and renewal. By cleansing the mind, body, and emotions, and letting go of the past it’s possible to see and feel life differently with a clear perspective and bring a more open-hearted direction and flow into one’s life.

By creating an environment that is profoundly nurturing, safe, and beautiful, these sessions are especially beneficial during times of loss and grief, for anxiety, worry, and upset. They can energize or ease various stages and transitions in life such as relationship issues, health, and physical challenges, changes in the home or living environment, changes in a job, career, or financial situation. Also beneficial for working through particular life events such as divorce, birth, menopause, or dealing with the compromised health of a loved one — these sessions can provide the comfort, care, strength, and grace to meet the challenges of life with an open heart and renewed energy.

Some of the elements of a healing or shamanic session can  include:



Sacred Songs

Bodywork (In-Person)

Massage (In-Person)


Soul Retrieval



Sacred Tobacco



“In her Touch of Heart sessions, Arlie brings a synergistic complement of life experience combined with a natural dexterity with her chosen tools in order to get to the heart of the matter. Arlie has that rare gift of listening deeply and distilling the essence of what is being presented to a clarity that was used as a touchstone intention upon which my immensely transformative session unfolded.

The beauty of the space, Arlie’s clear and present emanation, the deeply nurturing and exquisite massage, which allowed my nervous system to calm down—all combined to create an atmosphere of letting go of all the heavy baggage I walked in with, and to come in touch with the innermost sanctum of myself.  By the end of the session, it was as if all my energy centers & pathways were purified, energized, harmonized. and now open to the natural wisdom of the Moment. 

I left the session feeling uplifted and supported on every level—body relaxed, nervous system down a few notches, mind free & clear, feelings calm, the perspective shifted, and overall posture of confidence that “all is well, and all will be well."

The amazing gift is that it didn’t fade away. Now when I start to feel anxious or pulled to the past or future, or into some rabbit hole of worry—that place in me that was touched in the session is palpably accessed, and the road becomes clear, again, with clarity and the courage to keep going in a more harmonious and balanced direction.

This is an offering of the beautiful and ancient art that supports our direction towards the wholeness of that which is our birthright."



Self-Breema Sessions

Self-Breema is simple, nourishing, and deeply rejuvenating movement sequences for balancing, and harmonizing the body, mind, and emotions. During these one-on-one sessions, a repertoire of sequences that address particular needs will be assembled and demonstrated so that with proper guidance, practice, and repetition, access to an inner “atmosphere” can support being present, grounded, flexible, and resilient. Self-Breema’s very nature is natural and giving so that the body’s instinctive wisdom can heal and revitalize itself.  

By creating openness in the mind, body, and feelings, and unifying all these aspects — the eternal aspect (soul/spirit) and impermanent human aspect are supported. These are uniquely personalized sessions that can give an overarching sense of vitality, aliveness, presence, and connection to everything in life.

Self-Breema is fundamentally nurturing.  The ability to see and develop certain qualities such as love, compassion, trust, forgiveness, and tenderness can become tangible while working with Breema’s nine principles of harmony — such as no-judgment, firmness, and gentleness, no-force, mutual support, or body-comfortable — in the direction of acceptance, gratitude, and well-wishing for one’s self and others.

“For me the highest form of self-care is Self-Breema. As I incorporate Breema’s Nine Principles of Harmony and these sacred exercises into my day, I have a foundation and “light” inside myself in clear alignment with my purpose. This gives meaning to my existence and deepens the connection to the source of all life.”

 Flower Essences

Remedies and Sessions


Flower essences are liquid extracts used to address profound issues of emotional well-being, soul development, and mind-body health. They are part of subtle energy medicine.

Flower essences work by the principle of resonance within the subtle human energy field, which impacts one’s physical and emotional health. Flower essences are based on vibrational energetics and stimulate the body’s natural capacity to bring itself back to homeostasis. All plants carry vibrational energy patterns, and flowers are the pinnacle of this energy. The energetic qualities of flower essences present themselves through the flowers’ color, shape, habitat, and growing patterns.

They are very safe and may be used by everyone and can be used internally and externally. Positive outcomes from using flower essences may include greater peace and calmness during stressful events in life, experiencing more joy and optimism, finding forgiveness towards yourself and others, a deeper connection and understanding in relationships, having greater clarity and focus, promoting healing in the body, and even gaining insight into your life’s purpose and direction.  Depending on the degree of imbalance, some flower essences may have an immediate effect, and other times you may feel a slower unfolding of the effects over the course of days or weeks. Anything that does not match the vibration of the chosen flowers simply dissipates.  


“Each essence is tailored to your specific situation and needs as presented during our session. Using a variety of essences including Bach, Flower Essence Society, Alaskan Essences, and Pacific Essences.  I highly recommend using complementary activities such as journaling, meditating, affirmations, free-dancing, and movement, walking/earthing, expressive arts, etc. while taking flower essences to reveal insights that may occur.”

Give the Gift of Healing